Is this a Roo or Hen? RIR or another breed?


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2015
Hi all! I can't figure out if these are roos or hens. I thought the one below is a RIR hen, but she is aggressive toward the other birds, mounts them and is 30 weeks and hasn't laid one egg. I couldn't get a good snapshot of her face, but I was hoping by saddle and tail feathers someone who is better versed could tell. She started to squat late in the summer, but when it turned off cold she stopped acting like a hen.

This is my RIR rooster. Of that I am certain :)

This is my sex-link and I''m not sure if she's a roo or a hen either! Gosh! I'm TERRIBLE at this!! I have 3 other birds I KNOW are hens as they came from friends. These were the only ones I'm uncertain about.

Thanks for helping this newbie backyard chicken owner!!
First bird looks like a mixed breed rooster. The Rhode Island Red is also a male. Look at their back feathers. Do you see how both of the have the same long, thin, pointed feathering? Those are male saddle feathers.
Need a better picture and the age of the black one.
First bird looks like a mixed breed rooster. The Rhode Island Red is also a male. Look at their back feathers. Do you see how both of the have the same long, thin, pointed feathering? Those are male saddle feathers. 
Need a better picture and the age of the black one.

x2. The black one looks like a cockerel to me as well, if it is it is not a Sex Link but perhaps a Australorp or similar.
Look at their back feathers. Do you see how both of the have the same long, thin, pointed feathering? Those are male saddle feathers.

Thank you! You are so helpful. The long, thin pointed feathering is what made me think the mixed breed could be a rooster. I thought it could've been a difference in breed, but the mixed showed all signs other signs of being male.

Same with the black one. Its characteristics and mannerisms favor the other two and I thought I might have more roosters than hens. Ugh!
x2. The black one looks like a cockerel to me as well, if it is it is not a Sex Link but perhaps a Australorp or similar.
Thanks! For the breed of the black one, I am only going by what a friend told me. I live in an area where most of our chickens come from animal sale barns/livestock auctions. More roosters come out of those places than preferred!! Thanks for your help.

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