What breed is my roo?


Jan 8, 2016

I bought him as a chick from the fleamarket...

Welcome! We're glad you're here!
Your boy is a Rhode Island Red, probably a production red strain cockerel (production reds are lighter in color than true rhode island reds.)
Porduction Red, and X2 on beetandsteet; Production Reds or hatchery quality RIRs are sometimes aggressive (more so than with heritage RIRs from a reputable breeder).
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Is it crowing?

I'm actually not seeing much in the way of cockerel...No saddle, comb is red but short, not really pointed hackle feathers. I'd not bat an eye if this thing laid an egg tomorrow.

Not to mention look how small it is. Not at all cockerel size.
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If he's mean, get rid of him. No reason at all to keep a mean animal of any sort. 

So what...he should rehome it to make it someone elses problem? Wouldn't you eat it instead. Same with other animals that are mean should be put down. Not rehomed.

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