Large bump on face and swollen eye?! Helppp!!

Moto Beaks

In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2015
Riverside, CA
I have a serama cockerel with a rather large bump on his face as well as a swollen eye. One of my pullets also has a swollen eye and I'm just not sure what it could be.. My flock was sneezing and drooping their tails and just didn't look to good so I treated my whole flock with Sulmet and vitimins & electrolytes and they seem to be feeling better but now 2 of them have these issues and I'm not really sure what it is or how to treat it. If you have any ideas please let me know.

This looks like sinus infection - either Mycoplasma gallisepticum or Infectious coryza (this one is common in California). There are other respiratory diseases that can also cause sinus infections. It is also possible the flock had a viral respiratory infection, but that these two have a secondary bacterial sinusitis not responsive to the sulfa antibiotic you gave.

I don't have treatment recommendations, but If you have access to a vet who treats poultry, they can do cultures and help direct the treatment or perform sinus surgery? If you don't have an available vet, you can see if your local Agriculture Agent can access a state poultry vet.

Since the others are improved, do isolate these two until you can get some experienced advice.

Hopefully you will get some more input on the issue here.

I did some more research and came to the conclusion my birds had MG. So the day before I planned to cull my flock I go outside to feed them their last meal and what do ya know.. both my pullets symptoms have magically disappeared except some minor sneezing but only 1 has it. Im so confused because I have a Naked Neck pullet that's been with my seramas the whole time and has never shown any sign of illness EVER. My cockerel still has the 2 large bumps behind his nostrils(See pics) but his eye swelling and other symptoms have dissipated also. On the bright side one of my serama pullets gave us our first egg yesterday lol but can anyone shed a little light on this mysterious sickness?
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