Sexing chicks

Can I get a little bit more of a description? I don't know what I am looking for and I don't know how to make them hold still for a photo.
Secondary wing feathers are the ones closest to the body. Primary wing feathers are like the finger tips of the bird. Hens' secondary feathers will keep together leaving a bit of a gap in between the secondary and primary wing feathers. Roosters' secondary wing feathers spread out, there will be no gap between secondary and primary wing feathers.
Secondary wing feathers are the ones closest to the body. Primary wing feathers are like the finger tips of the bird. Hens' secondary feathers will keep together leaving a bit of a gap in between the secondary and primary wing feathers. Roosters' secondary wing feathers spread out, there will be no gap between secondary and primary wing feathers.
According to this method of sexing, my last hatch should have been 7 pullets and 3 cockerels. The opposite is, in fact, true. 7 cockerels, 3 pullets. Not accurate in the least bit.
Greetings from Kansas, DS Jones, and
! Pleased you joined us! A picture didn't show up for us to determine the gender of your birds. Also, you might want to click on the tab Start a New Thread and make your introduction - you posted onto the tail end of someone else's intro and you won't get many replies. Best wishes!!

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