1st coop! Advice needed. questions and comments welcomed!

Matt... I used exterior paint with sealant. I really didn't have a design. I was working with reclaimed wood, pallets and anything else I could find. Protection from predators and weather is the best piece of advice. I trapped the inside of the box and painted the outside with exterior w/sealant. Then put a fiber glass roof. Everything is still holding up. And we had a ton of rain for months. One more thing the love the sun. I had to built my coop in a shaded area, but I let them free range a few a hours a day.



You need a do a better job predator proofing your coop.

Hahaha indeed indeed.

Raderby thank you for the photos and information. Planning on grabbing some hinges and locks then going ahead and buying some paint and putting everything together. Finally. I think I have made this more difficult than it needs to be up to this point. But it hasn't cost me a penny, only time.

My eventual goal is to get a Cochin or a silky for a broody, then allowing her to hatch until her or my heart is content LOL. I haven't really planned for a run yet. But I have access to plenty of old flag poles that are made out of aluminum and all I will have to buy is chickenwire or netting of some sort. I also have to get some hardware cloth for the vents on the coop itself.

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