What Gender Are These Silkies?


Jan 23, 2016
Hey guys wondering what sex these 3 silkies are. I`ve posted two photos of each.
A lady was giving them away for free for she didn`t want them anymore so I scooped them up willing to see what results I got from them.
She told me they are five months old and she brought them as unsexed 5 week old chicks.
Silkies are the one breed that confuse me with their sex.
So, just wondering if anyone knows what these fellas or ladies are.

yeah, that`s what i`ve been thinking cos there`s quite a difference between these fellas and my little silkie hens that I have, was doubting myself about it though aha.
Thankyou everyone.
It`s what I thought, I think i was deep down hoping they were girls.
At least I got a free Araucana hen from the same lady.
Haven`t got a silkie rooster for my silkie girls so maybe some cute little silkie chicks might be a possibility from these fellas.
Or mix your silkies and your Aracauna and you'd get adorable little chicks that would probably lay greenish or pale blue eggs.
Yeah, i have 3 other pure bred Aracauna girls besides the one that i picked up for free that the lady thought was a silkie but it`s not. Would be interesting to see what sort of chickens would come from that pairing though.

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