Best nutrition for recovering hen

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6 Years
Mar 15, 2014
Rolla, MO
I have a 19 month old hen who has been sick for over a year. She had severe diarrhea and has twice spent three days with an avian vet (last July and in November). All labs were normal both times. She now weighs 2.1 pounds.The good news is that three weeks ago the diarrhea mysteriously stopped to everyone's amazement, She is, and has been, weak. She is one of the first to dig into treats - I have been giving them all kinds of greens, tomatoes, raisins, oatmeal with peanut butter, scrambled and hard boiled eggs with crushed shell, BOSS - small amounts at different times. The little stinkers turn their noses up at pumpkin seeds. I've been adding ACV and Durvet probiotics and electrolytes to their water and I have been bringing her in to give her layer feed soaked in water. I am wondering if there is something nutritious that I can give her to help her gain weight and get her strength back. I just read about Nurti-drench. Is this something that would be beneficial? I don't want to overdo it but not sure how much more, or what to give her. Thanks so much,
I have a 19 month old hen who has been sick for over a year. She had severe diarrhea and has twice spent three days with an avian vet (last July and in November). All labs were normal both times. She now weighs 2.1 pounds.The good news is that three weeks ago the diarrhea mysteriously stopped to everyone's amazement, She is, and has been, weak. She is one of the first to dig into treats - I have been giving them all kinds of greens, tomatoes, raisins, oatmeal with peanut butter, scrambled and hard boiled eggs with crushed shell, BOSS - small amounts at different times. The little stinkers turn their noses up at pumpkin seeds. I've been adding ACV and Durvet probiotics and electrolytes to their water and I have been bringing her in to give her layer feed soaked in water. I am wondering if there is something nutritious that I can give her to help her gain weight and get her strength back. I just read about Nurti-drench. Is this something that would be beneficial? I don't want to overdo it but not sure how much more, or what to give her. Thanks so much,

If it was me, I would cut out all the treats you listed and put her on a unmediated chick starter that is at least 18% protein.
I can tell that you would bend over backwards for your chickens. Are you overdoing it??? Well only you can answer that .. Most peeps would send a sick chicken to camp (freezer camp) rather to a vet and you have been doing this for a whole year. I keep my chickens as pets by the way, and have no means to care for them as you do. My Blu Kross Blu Sheld excludes my pets.. I don't send them to camp by the way ether. I suggest you feed your chicken a Starter feed or All flock. Layer feed is too high in calcium if not laying.. Skip all the additives as well as acv. in water and just give her fresh water daily. See how it works. The feed has all that the chicken needs to live healthy.
Thank you. I will get some tomorrow. I have five other hens - is it OK to feed them all chick starter or should I isolate the hen that has been sick and only feed her the chick starter? I have been weighing her every couple days so it shouldn't take long to tell if she is gaining weight and the strength will be obvious.
Well, my hubby tolerates my chic obsession and I tell friends who think I'm a bit nuts that I'm a grandma wanna-b with no hope of ever being a grandma, other than my grand-cat, who is also obsessed over, that my chicks are my stand-in grand kids and adored pets and I would do anything for them. BTW, there is a medical insurance, actually a credit card for vet bills, that the vet office has suggested I get but that seems a bit extreme. Thanks for your advice.
I know there is pet insurance. It is for peeps that have smart expensive dogs.. and hefty bank accounts LOL LOL
On the feed. You can give starter for the rest of your chickens life. I personally use Alflock pellets. Less mess than crumbles and I have adult chickens also. (crumbles are necessary for young chicks) It is about 2% calcium and I supplement those that are laying with oyster shells free choice. The non layers can eat same feed and no issues with higher calcium of layer feed. If you only have ALL LAYERS PRODUCING, layer feed is the easy choice.
Here is a pix of some of my diablos LOL No insurance

Don't forget to look at my avatar....
I have several threads trying to find help for my very sick Annie. I wanted to report that SHE LAID AN EGG YESTERDAY
I have read that sick chickens do not lay eggs. Cavemanrich, I have been bringing Annie in 2-3 times a day to feed her the chick starter you advised (mixed it with a little Activia which she loves). She gobbled every last bit up. Her comb is getting color back and her tail is up most of the time. I can tell she isn't fully recovered but every day is better. Thanks to all who have given me advice. Annie and I appreciate you very much.

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