Found a sandpapery egg empty shell in the hen house this morning.


In the Brooder
Jan 20, 2016
I cant post a pic right now, but its just the shell with a lil bit of egg still on it. Its large and stringy. All one large piece. My problem is that I watch all the birds (I have several different kinds, but I say birds instead so that Im not excluding my ducks) everyday and none of them have been obviously acting eggbound. None of them have even been laying except LIL Hedwig (banty), and the egg shell I found is soooo big I know its not from my Banty. Maybe you guys can help figure out who it is?

ALSO could it just be that some one is begining to lay again and the first egg is just a bust???? OR are they in real Danger???

Hedwig lays tiny banty eggs that are a solid tan color. Shes the only actual layer right now.

The Shell in question is a creamy almost white egg.
The only other eggs Ive gotten were BROWN and those were from the Black Sex-Links.

I have lots of pics of the birds on my profile.
Could anyone tell me if a creamy white large egg could have came from Pretty Lady
^^^Pretty Lady- When we moved in to our house (newly bought-August '15) It CAME with Three chickens Pretty Lady stopped laying just when we moved in and hasnt layed since.

The hens the house came with are PL the two BSL and also two male ducks and one female.

I know that the Eggshell in question is not a duck egg
I know its not a Banty egg.
some of my chickens arent even old eough to lay yet. The big three that could is BSL and PL.

None of them have any of the symptoms Ive read about them being eggbound. no one acting strange at all. And then i found the shell this morning- SO WHO and WHY?? Is anyone in danger???
I think I figured out that its Black Jack. she was acting kinda funny yesterday- no egg. TODAY! Someone laid a almost perfect egg. And now Black Jack is acting happy and energetic. She had been moping around and this morning shes flying around flipping out and back to foraging like she used to. Either way Im happy for her.

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