Chickens sleeping in

I just realised a possible cause. I had 4 hens - the mama hen and her three daughters - and they would free range in the garden all day. One of the daughters had to be put down in October last year because she kept prolapsing and another daughter went almost permanently broody immediately after. So there was only the mama hen and one daughter to go outside. They stopped free ranging and would just stay in the run all day. I think they were too scared to go outside without the safety of numbers. Maybe they slept in because staying in the run all day (even though they were free to come and go) was boring. The broody hen has just stopped being broody today and tonight they were all outside in the garden. The broody is now back on the perch instead of in the nesting box. I can't remember the last time she did that. So, it will be interesting to see what time they get up tomorrow now that there is three of them again and they can be more courageous.
It has been mostly in the mid 30s this month. Last month was very hot with quite a few days over 40. It doesn't cool down much at night so it gets pretty unbearable. I live in Adelaide where we often experience heatwaves of days over 40 and it's pretty difficult to keep chickens alive. I put wet blankets on their run, make corn ice blocks, put frozen bottles of water in their drinker, and hose the hens down (when they let me). But on 44 degree days, everything dries within minutes. I have to leave work a couple of times a day to go and re-ice them. Luckily I live close to work.

That's Celsius by the way. Sorry, I don't know how to convert to Fahrenheit.
WOWOWOWOW! Ours are the temp. you put down except in Fahrenheit!!!!

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