True Amerecuana, or mixed?

Can I suggest that if she is chronically underweight, she is ill.

If you're going to suggest that could you also suggest a solution? Besides her weight she is a happy chicken, nice and active, and she eats, no bullying or hiding from others(since if she was sick most chickens would hide from others to avoid being picked on).
She has always been on the small side, she never just suddenly lost weight, and she's around 4 months old.
Some chickens are less plump than others, but sometimes it can indicate having worms. Are they regularly wormed? Even if she is fine, it is good practice to worm your chickens every few months. I personally like Strike III medicated feed wormer since it kills a wider range of worms than some, is easy to use, and there is no withdraw period for the eggs and only a withdraw period of, I think, three days. :)
Some chickens are less plump than others, but sometimes it can indicate having worms. Are they regularly wormed? Even if she is fine, it is good practice to worm your chickens every few months. I personally like Strike III medicated feed wormer since it kills a wider range of worms than some, is easy to use, and there is no withdraw period for the eggs and only a withdraw period of, I think, three days. :)

So far I have not done anything like checking for life, worms, etc.
I did have a chick who in the first few days of having her she passed from pneumonia, but that was 4 months ago.
I also picked up my girl today and she feels heavier than in the past.
But I'll probably look into checking them for worms and lice in the spring.

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