Help with postmortem/diagnosis? (Warning photo included) UPDATED necropsy...

You did a great job, and took excellent pictures. Bravo. I have done only one myself, and it was well worth it. I have lost 2 chickens during heavy snow storms, so didn't necropsy them. I'm really unexperienced with this, so I will wait for Casportpony, Speckledhen, or other more experienced people to chime in with comments. The liver looks healthy to my eye; the intestines look distended like some sort of infection or blood, but again I'm not a vet at this; I'm wondering if that is internal laying. Will wait on others to look.
I give them aquick glance to see if anything is going on. I have washed a few. To get the poop off . I did take some scissors and remove the poop and feathers. So fare mine are still alive. I alll so use organic vinegar in there water. . To kill bacteria . Going out and check. Bumms.
Wow. That was an experience. I am glad I did it. Thanks, Eggcessive, for the encouragement.
I am posting here and uploading photos to dropbox in case there is anything else I should do before cleaning up.
I used this video to guide me:
Unless i am mistaken, it looks to me as if Beebee was laying internally.

Here is the dropbox folder:
Not an expert, but this picture looks pretty normal. Will look at the others after I do my chores.

Thanks. I wasn't sure I could do it. It was an education and I would encourage every chicken owner faced with this situation to try it.

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