Advice before next hatch with Janoel 24


Mar 28, 2015
Southern Tier, NY
My last hatch with this incubator about 5 eggs pipped the wrong end and I haven't had this happen before. This incubator seems to very very slightly move the eggs and I'm wondering if that's the problem. Air cells were all good through the hatch, they were shipped eggs too. Is there a way I can rotate the eggs sufficiently without opening the incubator? I had thought of using egg cartons and tilting the incubator.

Does anyone have more experience with the Janoel 24?
I haven't asked them yet. I've hatched shipped eggs a few times, but only once with this incubator. I have good hatch rates, just concerned about chicks pipping wrong end.
I am not an expert by any means but I would imagine that the eggs were stored poorly to get so many that have pipped on the wrong end... You can try rotating them when you get them for a bit so that they dont get fixed to a particular part of the egg.. .
I'm not sure how the hatchery stored them before I purchased, but I followed the shipped egg storage instructions on this forum. I could try hand turning in addition to what the incubator does?

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