Egg with blood in it


Jul 1, 2015
This morning I was making my saturday morning omelettes and I found this...
Can anyone tell me why this happened and if its safe to eat? I just threw it out today... THANKS!
It looks unappetising, but it's perfectly save to eat, yes. Egg yolks form and mature in the hen's ovary and sometimes when the mature yolk is released it may rupture a small blood vessel, the blood released will end up being encased in the shell, along with the rest of the egg contents. This can be caused by

- Incorrect levels of vitamins A and K in the hen's diet;

- Administration of the drug sulphaquinoxaline;

- Large amounts of lucerne meal in the layers' diet;

- Feeding stale, wet or mouldy feed;

- Continuous lighting in the coop;

- Frights, stress and disturbances.
It can also happen on occasion without anything being 'wrong'.
Sure makes ya break eggs in a separate bowl for awhile tho!

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