The Mutts


May 10, 2015
the first two pics are of my dog Bessy-Boo
ridgeback and shepard mix from the coastal humane center, she was going into the ovens in alabama when they pulled her out and put her with all the other dogs they brought up 3 yrs ago,

the little dog is my long time G?F's its a purebred who is 10 and just learned how to be a country DOG and not a fluff-pillow-ornimate
G?F almost passed out the day she came home and saw her little princess eating a REAL dog bone,,,,Grrrrr don't take my bone momma,,GRRRR,,, her Name is Maggie, a carin? terrier
she doesn't like the chickens but tolerates them, as they drop stinky stuff on her patio,
bessy does what real dogs do and cleans it up,,OMG gross,,so dang gross momma come get kisses,,yeck

Oh ya my G?F is a city girl now out in the country,, that there is another funny story

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Both of your dogs are soooo cool. I want a dog and I think a ridgeback would be good since they were bred to fight lions, so they'd keep the cougars away!!

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