Wheezing hen!

Just an update.

Maple actualy did go back out to the coop last night with everyone. She was perfectly fine. I made sure that she was warm and snuggled up between a few others on the roost. I checked on her this morning and she's all back to her normal self. My roo on the other hand moved inside last night so I could keep a better eye on him. His breathing was raspy still last night so he got to stay in again. Normally, I have no tolerance for respiratory issues in my flock and if I hadn't seen them kick up so much dust the other day, both would probably have been put down already. His breathing sounds back to normal today. I'm letting him stay in at least one more night to keep an eye on him. I've been using nothing but vet rx. If he keeping sounding good, he may make it back out tomorrow....may. depends on the weather since he's now in my bathroom lol.
He's completely fine and back to normal but he's still living in my bathroom lol. I did try to put him back in the coop once and there was a big fight between him and my ameraucana roo who has decided that he's now the boss. Then everything got really cold out so I haven't had the heart to put him back yet. We've been bonding though. When he was little, he'd let me hold him and he would snuggle up in my hair and against my neck. He's started doing that again lately lol.

Since Saturday is supposed to be really warm, I'm going to put him in a crate in the run all day with everyone and sneak him in on the roost at night. Hopefully, that will ease tensions and get him back in. I know there will still be a spat Sunday morning but maybe it won't be as bad.
My chicken did this yesterday and I treated her with the vet RX I kept her in the house for a couple of hours I think what happened with her is she must have inhaled something and it caused her to wheeze. The other thought was she was put on the roost with older hens last night and she may have been pecked or poked in her Airway on her neck and it might have made her wheeze. She was acting fine and eating the whole time . She was fine in a couple of hours so what was thinking she probably got poked in the neck by one of the older chickens so she's fine now nothing serious
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