Easter Chicks

The colored fluff kind. Been a year or so ago i saw an ad on a hatchery site where they sold the injected eggs for hatching. Haven't found them again.
will you be raising the chicks into adulthood and keeping the chickens for eggs? I swear I don't mean to sound rude but ask a animal shelter what happens to these adorable chicks after Easter . Seems like they are used for photo opportunities for people's kids then the people don't want to put the care and effort into raising them. just so you know, their is no such thing as a Easter Chick. Their are Easter Eggers who NATURALLY lay greenish eggs but Easter Chicks, no. Also chicks are NOT a good thing for a three year old to "play" with. They don't mean to but small children can really hurt or kill newly hatched chicks. The chicks need LOTS of care at first. They need to be brooded under a heat lamp and have a cool side and warm side. at hatch 95 degrees in the warm side drop by 5 degrees each week.people who are not willing to properly care for the chicks After Easter or the photo opportunity should choose a picture with the Easter bunny instead. However if they ARE willing to actually raise the birds and keep chickens and ALL that entails, then that's great! I just have a problem with get "cute little chicks" for "Easter or photos with children" and have absolutely no intention of seeing the chick to Adulthood and supply them with the proper care they need. it breaks my heart. Someone's got to speak for the chicks. They are hhelpless. Again I have no problems with people in it for the long haul and are willing to care properly for them. But if they are just to "look cute" then I'd hope they would think twice before buying a chick.

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