3 1/2 month old Red Star

I'd say your suspicions are correct. Saddle feathers and wattle and comb development are giveaways - sorry!

Yes, it is a cockerel. Also I don't think they are red stars. The two gold ones look like they maybe Buff Orpingtons but I'm not sure what the one with black around its neck is (probably just a mixed breed).
The one is a cockerel (sorry) the one w the black tail looks like an Easter egger and the others are buff orpingtons.
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The bird in question is a cockerel and your birds are not Red Stars (Red Sex Links) as they lack the yellow legs, the typical white tail feathers, and the white underfluff of Red Sex Links. Also RSL (Red Star) cockerels are primarily white with some red flecking for patching in the saddle area. Your birds appear to be mixed breeds.
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I see a buff Orpington pullet in front, a buff Orpington cockerel in back, and to the right I'm thinking a clean faced Easter egger pullet.

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