New Flock!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
I am going to get 6 hens this spring for my backyard flock but not sure what to get. Last 6 I had were white leghorns and RIR. I kind of want something different this time. What do you think will be good egg layers and cold tolerant as we live in MN. And also do I get all the same or split like I had last time. Thanks in advance for all your help!
I would absolutely recommend the Barred Rock (or any color variety at that matter; I love my White Rock) for your flock if you're looking for high egg production and hardiness. Are you thinking about colored eggs at all? If so, Easter Eggers would be a great option, since ours lay quite a bit and are extremely cold resistant. Best wishes with your breed search!

There are many breeds that are suitable. Austrolorps. Orpingtons, Rocks, Wyandottes, Brahmas, Easter Eggers, black or red sex links. If you are ordering from certain hatcheries other breeds like Chanteclers or rose comb brown Leghorns would do well.

If you had problems with frostbite the rose or pea combed breeds would be best - Wyandottes, Brahmas, Easter Eggers, rose comb Leghorns. Chanteclers have tiny cushion combs.
Good advice on the pea combs for cold climates. If I could only have 6 birds, I would get 6 different breeds. Best wishes to you, and have fun choosing!
I appreciate the help. I defiantly would like to get all different one's but I need them to all get along! I had some issues between my last group and that was not fun and it was my first time having chickens.. I just thought if I would get all the same it might be easier but I suppose they'll have a pecking order also. Thanks again for all your help.
Oh and I'm not fussy about color of eggs but I do like the looks of the greenish,blueish eggs. We just go through alot of eggs now that we're gluten and grain free and I just cringe when I have to use eggs from the store.
No matter what you get, there will be pecking order. How big is your coop? I recommend an absolute minimum of 4 s.f. in the coop per bird, especially in cold weather areas. One wonderful breed that has not been mentioned is Dominique. They are extremely personable, have a nice little rose comb, are auto-sexing, wonderful foragers. They mix in a flock very well with EE. Your last flock had 2 breeds that are a bit on the aggressive side, IMO.
My coop is 5'×8' and the run is 8'×12'. Yeah I didn't know really what I was doing the 1st few months then started reading alittle more after the fact and realized I had two very different types. Woke up one Saturday morning and the kid's said Dad it's chick day's at TSC. So away we went but had a blast raising them up.
Almost positive breed doesn't determine whether a flock gets along together or not, because almost every one of our 37 birds is a different breed. And you know what? They get along just fine, in fact, they LOVE each other! :)

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Do not get comets. They have great personality but stop laying after 2 years. I would recommend Easter eggers or black australorps. They are decent layers and very cold hardy.

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