Agressive/bully hen What can I do?

I just had a similar issue with an ancona that I had. Notice the past tense.

She would not leave two barred rock hens alone. Bloodied one of them around the comb a little. Nothing serious, but blood. Separated, gave it a few days, plenty of space for the birds in the run and coop.

The ancona would walk right past scratch and feed to stalk a barred rock. They would move to accommodate, she would continue to stalk until they turned their back or when to feed and she would jump them.

Now she's in the basement. In a pint jar.

Easy call for me was that she was going on 8 months old and not laying eggs, the BR were.

You can be bad at your job, or you can have a bad attitude. You can't be both.
Hi guys
Just a quick up-date
I still have her I just moved her to another chicken group.
My dad has a flock consisting of a RIR, Ancona, and one buff orpington. They are the constant egglayers and have their own run/coop.
She hangs out with them now. My dads 3 chickens keep her in check and now she is calming down. She is not at the top of the pecking order with them.

I liked the idea of keeping her with my dads chickens as I still have her and it's working out well.
Thanks guys
What did you end up doing? I have a hen all of a sudden being aggressive towards another, and I don't know if the one is diseased, and the bully can sense it? Or if she is just going to start picking off my flock one by one?

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