Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, spot the roos


5 Years
Dec 18, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
We think we have at least three possibly four roos among the eight chickens we got. We got them to be Luke's ladies, he's the grown Red Roo.



If only they'd stay still, I could get better pictures.

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The last photo is possibly the only one that helps out, but from that one, and assuming i am seeing things correctly, I'd say the one in the background has more significant wattle and comb development, compared to the one in the foreground, so from that i think one of each.

Its difficult getting good photos I know, but what would help is if you can get photos of the head of each bird and a side-on photo (so we can see evidence of saddle feather development).

Maybe our eagle-eyed gender experts will provide more input soon.

All the best
The last photo is possibly the only one that helps out, but from that one, and assuming i am seeing things correctly, I'd say the one in the background has more significant wattle and comb development, compared to the one in the foreground, so from that i think one of each. 

Its difficult getting good photos I know, but what would help is if you can get photos of the head of each bird and a side-on photo (so we can see evidence of saddle feather development).

Maybe our eagle-eyed gender experts will provide more input soon.

All the best

Thanks! I'll try to get those angles.
In the first picture, the one with fluffy cheeks is male. In the last picture, the bird in back is male.
Looks like a few are Red sexlik/RIR crosses.
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X 3 Junebuggena's post The pictures make it extremely difficult, we see backs of birds but not combs and fronts, . They are in all different positions.

The last photo was the best. You need more of that. One bird in a photo and we have to judge from is front view showing comb & side view standing naturally.

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