Why did you pick the chicken breed that you did?


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2016
Central South Dakota
I'll admit that I am actually terrified of chickens. I am doing much better now, but I only have five very tame hens currently. My fear came from a Bantam rooster attack when I was two. My mom says I was lucky that I didn't lose an eye and I have a faded dime size red mark on my cheek bone to this day. Anyway, my husband really wanted to raise chickens for eggs and I chose Brahmas and Salmon Favorelles because they are supposed to be so docile. I used to have five SF roosters, but it got to the point where my husband would have to accompany me into the coop and we gave away four of the roosters to a hired man. The fifth rooster ended up getting eaten by a raccoon family but I'll post that story in another thread. So what drew you to your favorite chicken breed(s)?
I have a lot of breeds, XD. I have a lot of different breeds. ( 14-15 different breeds) But my favorites by far, are my buff orpingtons, my cochins, my 1 salmon favorelle rooster, and my ameraucanas and easter eggers. The Ameraucanas and easter eggers are not a very docile breed however, I love their spunky personalities and the fact that they lay blue and green eggs. My salmon favorelle rooster is a real sweetheart. His name is "Babe". He was actually a free chick we got along with our Murray McMurray order. I love my Buff Orpingtons because they are super docile and are great mothers. Cochins are my favorite though. They are super fluffy and very sweet and docile. If you go to my profile page, I have written reviews on all of my chicken breeds and turkeys I own. Why they are good and some things to look out for in those breeds.
And, I read your raccoon thread, again, very sorry for your loss! Also, welcome to BYC!
I fell in love with the buff orpington. For some reason i love buff colored animals! Lol! I have a golden and 2 buff cockers. But after the color,is obviously their personality! So sweet and friendly. Over time i discovered the other colors which i would love to own someday, but i have my 2 coops and runs. One with my easter egger roo and slw hens,the other my buff orp roo and all his orp and orp cross ladies!
I may have to suggest Buff Orphingtons to my mother-in-law. They seem to come highly recommended! My MIL is the one who works with the 4Hers and I am the place they go after the show season to retire.
Do the Easter Eggers chase? My husband may be accompanying me to the chicken coop again soon!

I've only had 1 rooster (out of about a dozen that I've owned) chase me. He tasted very good.
The hens are nice. I've never had any of my hens attack or show interest in attacking.
I have 16 Barred Rocks and 9 White Leghorns that were six weeks old last Thursday. I wanted the gals primarily for fertilizer for my vegetable gardens and of course the eggs. I went with the Leghorns since the summers here in central AZ get really hot and I've read Leghorns do well here. I picked the Barred Rocks because they're supposed to do fairly well in the heat too and I love their pattern. Also my wife and mother used to raise Barred Rocks and liked them a lot. We moved the girls to the new coop this past Friday and they took their first stroll out into the run. They were a little apprehensive at first but by nightfall I had a hard time getting them to go back in the coop and we had to have a chicken roundup. Hopefully they'll get used to the routine in a couple of days.

Thanks much! It was a lot of work but well worth it. I think another reason we like the Barred Rocks is they look like us (over 50) barred people. In a couple of more years we'll probably favor the Leghorns.

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