Emergency help neeed!!!

Yes, some can carry mites but I don't think they can live on humans. I use "food grade Diatomaceous Earth" (DE) to get rid of mites, can be found at pet stores I believe, probably farm supply stores and other stores too. It is non-toxic, there are other things to use but I forget what they are called at the moment (will look it up). You just dust the pigeon with the DE and the dust punctures the mites bodies but doesn't hurt the bird.

That wildlife organization sounds good, just make sure they take pigeons cause some won't since pigeons are non-native

Yes you can put her in a larger cage.

(Sorry it took so long to respond)
Yes, some can carry mites but I don't think they can live on humans. I use "food grade Diatomaceous Earth" (DE) to get rid of mites, can be found at pet stores I believe, probably farm supply stores and other stores too. It is non-toxic, there are other things to use but I forget what they are called at the moment (will look it up). You just dust the pigeon with the DE and the dust punctures the mites bodies but doesn't hurt the bird.

That wildlife organization sounds good, just make sure they take pigeons cause some won't since pigeons are non-native

Yes you can put her in a larger cage.

(Sorry it took so long to respond)

Thanks. I transferred her to a larger cage. How will I know if she has mites or not? I think she needs a medical exam to see if she is okay from a professional. She is kind of sitting here just with her back turned to me. She is also pooping a whole lot now. Could that be because she is petrified due to being handled and put in a cage?? I feel like a louse because I took her out of her environment. But then again, What else could I do. I mean If she was healthy I don't think she would have even let me get her. Or it could be because that male pigeon traumatized her by jumping on her and trying to mate with her from what it looked like. It was awful. What is your suggestion? I mean I don't want to keep her in a cage forever. I also am not sure what is wrong with her. What is your advice? I attached a picture of her in the cage. I think that male that was jumping on her may have been her mate?? Will he be worried about her because we took her? I mean he flew away and left her last night. She finally flew off when it got dark. You would think her mate would have waited for her? Sorry if I sound like a lunatic, I am just seriously lost right now and have no clue what to do with her. I have health problems myself and have to be careful too not to catch anything, though it sounds like Mites would only be caught if I were snuggling with her right? Would you find a place to take her or would you see how she does overnight and maybe let her go free?? I just am torn at this point. I do not even know what is wrong with her.

You cannot get mites etc from her, only possibly two maybe three illnesses and you'd have to be in closed with dozens to hundreds, to possibly even get. It'll do good on layer pellets when sick like this, then if not eating you can slide pellets down the birds right side of throat. Poultry vitamin drop down throat, and few drops of vet Rx re also helpful recovery methods. You can get cheap probiotics and rest, also manna pro poultry conditioner, at a tractor supply or co-op if in USA.
If don't want to do lot of money,use cheap wild bird seed as better than dove mixes, or use chicken scratch that'll put corn for fat and wheat for protein etc. Budgie/parakeet feed forks good too but too much nutrition for healthy pigeons.

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