Bloody poop?


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2015

Any ideas?

Any ideas?
How is your chicken doing today? The urates in the dropping are pale yellow. That can be a liver problem, or it could be that that could be egg material, which is common in internal layers. A lot depends on her age, as to what to think about the dropping. It does look like it could be bloody mucus, which can be common in coccidiosis or in capillary worms. Cocci is treated with Corid in the water. Capillary worms are treated with fenbendazole (Safegaurd, Panacur) given 5 days in a row at 1/4 cc or ml per pound.
I did deworm the birds the day before this bloody poop was found. I used piperazine.Her poop is starting to thicken and she is running around, roosting, etc. she is drinking & eating. Hopefully she continues to get better
She's less than a year. Just started laying in I was told from the farmer I bought them from.
Have you not treated with Corid for coccidiosis? That is definitely where I would start and do it ASAP. It won't hurt the birds it simply creates a temporary thiamine deficiency (they are already fed it in chick starter but are prone to picking up the parasite after finishing with starter and given more foods or access to the outside and can show as early as 4 weeks until sometimes even a year depending on conditions) which causes the coccidiosis parasite to die. Usually you will notice improvements within a couple to a few days and only treat for the time directed on the package. The poo should be blood free at that point. Corid is available at Tractor Supply!
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Tetracycline treats internal infections. Her poop is improving. Brown, light green & white

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