when to stop turning

I'm just keeping a close eye on the eggs looking for any rocking or pipping. Out of 12 eggs I'm hoping for at least 6 birds.
A tool that might help...
I downloaded a free app that is useful to me... Its

Bellsouth Hatchback

The App comes with a widget that puts a box on your pad desktop...

It keeps track of the eggs your hatching... Including how long they have been in. and will tell you when to do certain chores... like when to stop turning... Candeling (if you do that) and such
when you set up a hatch... (I normally have 4 120 egg trays going at a time... but not all go in at once... ) I rotate them about 7 days apart so I have room in my brooders and such... Using the app I am always on top of what's going on in my Incubator... (it reminds ma via email and on the pads desktop when I need to do something...) and I can keep track of my hatches as to success and such... coturnix is one of the default breed choices...(as are chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Etc.) but you can set up custom hatches for other quail breads...

Great helpful App!... " Bellsoft Hatchback"

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