Wolfie2 from Texas


7 Years
Feb 23, 2016
South of Houston
Just wanted to introduce myself.

Was raised on a farm and have had chickens off and on during my adulthood. Just getting back into the little ladies since 1+ year ago when some friends retired and moved away. They had goats as do I, and they had tried selling them before moving but still had several which were "going to be disposed of one way or another". I came away with 4 Lamanchas and about 10 hens (they were just going to turn the birds loose in the neighborhood.)The girls were a plus as they were not mentioned in the initial conversation. The girls were 5 red sex links and 5 Barred rocks. Turns out the hens were getting on in age and we now have a new bunch ready to take over production. I ordered 10 Buff Orpingtons, 9h/1r. When package came there were the Orps plus 10 black sexlink roosters. The roosters will be going into the freezer soon as they are about 16 weeks old and have started to crow.
So that's where I am at right now. Spring coming on, a whole batch of young hens ready to hit the nests. I tend to get a little windy when on the keyboard so I'll stop for now but will be back. Just a little warning there. Wolfie2
:welcome hello and welcome to byc and good luck with ur chickens and if u were to let them go into the neighborhood shouldn't u ask ur neighbors before u do as they may not want them there stepping out on he porch and stepping In chicken poop as I don't mind just hose it off well any way good luck hope to see u around here on byc and u are more than welcome to join some of my thread to share pics and what breed they are of ur favorite breed its called chicken breed discussion thread
Hi Wolfie and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. You seem to have your hands full right now, and having more chickens can never be a bad thing!

Keyboards don't make me windy personally, but a few other things certainly do!

All the best
Hi Wolfie, glad you joined the BYC flock? Lots of chicken folks also have goats. Sometimes they post videos of their goats and the playgrounds they make for them. They are seriously funny entertainment.

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