How much room do chickens need?


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2016
I just bought and put together a chicken coop/run that was on Craig's List. Really nice. It's T-shaped with a 8x4 run and 5x6 half run and half coop. The 6 nest box are on the outside. It has 6" ceiling with a shingled roof. All treated lumber, heavy duty. It was less than a year old and hardly used. I bet the guy had at least $700 in material. I paid $150. I just ordered some more chickens that will be ready for pick up on April 13th. They'll be 5 weeks old and feathered up and ready for outdoors. I've got other chickens in different size cages. I was just wondering how many chickens you guys think could be in this new house. My new ones are all layers. SLW,Whites rocks,barred rocks Marans,Orpingtons. Thanks for any advice.
If they won't be free ranging the roof of thumb is 10 square foot of run space per bird. So your run is designed for three. Four square feet per bird is rule of thumb for the coop. Not sure the size with the coop/run part you describe, you might post some pics and get a better answer. It sound like you have about three times as much nesting box space as you need for a coop that size.
Without knowing your location, the breeds, etc. "general guidelines" say that for 16 chickens you will need at least 64 square foot of coop space, (8'x8' minimum) and 160 square foot of run space. If they are in a warmer climate and won't be spending all winter inside some smaller breeds could have less then 4 square foot per bird.

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