Is this one looking like a rooster?


5 Years
Oct 26, 2014
I'm a little suspicious of this chick's behaviour. It is 3 months old now, a barred rock/araucana. Is it looking like a rooster? There is some colour in its face.
I can't really get a good look at his back feathers...any way you could take a photo of just his back/tail? I think it's a hen, but I really am not sure until I see that pic^
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It looks like a pullet to me. The tail feathers look a little rooster-ish, but I had an EE banty cross chick(it was about 3-4 months old I think) at my local fair that a lady said was definitely a little rooster because of the tail feathers, but now SHE is laying me very pretty medium sized light brown eggs :) So I don't always go off of tail feathers.
Thanks :) Here are a couple more pics, gosh chickens are hard to photograph!
Its dad is a barred rock, the mum is an aracana. I'm not sure what colour she is though.
Its dad is a barred rock, the mum is an aracana. I'm not sure what colour she is though.
UK Araucana or America Araucana? If American, there isn't any Araucana or Ameraucana in that bird.
We need to see a really good, crisp photo of the back feathers and the comb.
The first couple photos had me thinking pullet. The last picture has me thinking cockerel.

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