Do you wash the eggs you sell?


Mar 2, 2015
I have 10 layers and so far I only sell or give away eggs to family. I am adding 20-25 layers to my flock this year so I know I will need to start selling eggs to more people. I do not wash my eggs until I use them and recommend the same to the people I sell them to. Washing them will remove the protective cuticle and allow bacteria to pass through the shell, but people are accustomed to pretty shiny shells from the grocery. I know if someone is turned off by this they simply won't buy my eggs, but I am curious how others handle this. If you are like me and don't wash your eggs until you use them, do you sell them unwashed?
Keep fresh bedding in the nest, and prevent birds from sleeping in the nest. If it is muddy, add straw or old hay to the run. As long as I keep that done, my eggs stay pretty clean without washing.

Mrs K
I rinse mine only if they have streaks, but only the day of selling. I only sell 4 dozen a week, so its not much work, if any. I do tell my customers that, just in case I miss a spot so they know what to expect and why.

The eggs I set aside for myself, I wash at the time of using.
We don't wash our eggs and we get lines of people that want them. We collect 3x a day if possible, and if raining or muddy we add more beddings in the coop and run. Now the soiled ones we wash immediately and use or refrigerate them for personal consumption.
I don't usually wash or refrigerate...unless I have a surplus of dirty eggs then I thoroughly wash and refrigerate.
Customers are aware of both conditions.
I do wash my eggs before sale. Any eggs that are soiled, I keep for my own use. There are one or two girls who often have soiled eggs, and weather can be a factor. I just find it easier to run them all through a quick rinse than to spot wash here and there.

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