Please help us Sex our Chicks


Mar 3, 2016
We are new in the world of Chicks, and purchased these girls recently. They are nearly 5 weeks old. We are in love with them already and will have trouble explaining to age 5 and age 7 that we need to return a Rooster. Can anybody tell at this early stage whether we have any roosters in the house please?

Yellow chick - Buff Orphington - named Amy
Spotty chick - Spotted Sussex - named Cadence
Black chick - Barnevelder - named Jetstorm

The Speckled Sussex looks to be a pullet.

Your Buff Orp is very questionable. EDITED on second look...I think this is a boy 5 weeks with that much is risky. Could be an early developing female, but not this early.

Barnevelder looks to be a chest and large comb at this age....females have laced chests (as breed standard) and very small combs at this age.

It's the height of chick season, so I would return the BO and Barnie for Gold or Red Sexlinks or Black Sexlinks. You will know they are female without any question as they are color coded at hatch.... GS/RS girls are foxy gold red, boys yellow; BSL are all black as female, male have a white head dot and will be barred.

That can save a lot of tears later (been there, done that).

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Thank you so much for your reply! It's not what I wanted to hear, but I appreciate your advice. I'm so glad I posted here today, I'd much rather know sooner than later x

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