Different color eggs!?

Thank you! Yes not only have the colors of the green eggs been far off from that first egg we got, but the shape has been a huge difference.
well the start of the season is their darkest egg laying then at the end of the laying season then they are much lighter, occasionally a way darker or way lighter egg can be laid there are glitches that happen here and there.

One of my marans laid this one now yesterday. I will just assume she is getting creative for Easter!? Hahahaha
I do believe that first smaller, blue egg was our legbar she perhaps had in her oviduct upon arriving and is perhaps still adjusting. The EE is laying the bigger olive green eggs almost daily and the maran, however that one maran is just blowing us away daily with her creativity! I'm new to chickens however in all my reading didn't know to expect all these fancy skills from just one chicken.

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