hollowed out hen??!


May 21, 2014
I found my Americauna dead today in the roost, entirely in tact except for her belly, which had been perfectly hollowed out! She has her head and both breasts. She was not dragged from the roost, but something ate her innards there. All other hens are alive. What could have done this?? Could it be cannibalism?
~ Stephanie
I found my Americauna dead today in the roost, entirely in tact except for her belly, which had been perfectly hollowed out! She has her head and both breasts. She was not dragged from the roost, but something ate her innards there. All other hens are alive. What could have done this?? Could it be cannibalism?
~ Stephanie
It is 99.99% sure that a possum killed your hen.
Thanks for getting back to me. I did some research and you're absolutely right. Time to re-enter super lock down mode at dusk.

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