Coop bedding suggestions??

I use pine/cedar shavings. I put a bit of cracked corn or other treat in the shavings every so often so that the chickens will rotate the dirty ones to the bottom and bring clean ones to the top. The shavings last quite a while for me. It has been since January since i cleaned the coop, but it needs cleaned soonsince it is starting to stink.

As for flies, in the summer i like to use a barn, coop, and livestock fly spray. After all the chickens are outside of course. You'll also want to make sure none gets in water or food. :)

Hahaha! Great trick! It's like hiding my son's Xbox controller and telling him it's somewhere under the crap in his messy room so he has to clean it up LOL.

If that's what's going to work, then why not? :p :lol:
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