Can they eat this?


Jan 11, 2016
I recently started letting my chickens free range, and saw this around her favorite picking area which is full of other bugs and delicious things for them to eat.

I know that they are very good about not eating something that they shouldn't be eating, but how concerned should I be?

These are Arbus precatorious, and I live in FL. Thx!!

It is probably best to keep your birds away from this plant; however, for the most part, chickens will avoid eating things that are toxic to them. There are many other foods to avoid feeding your birds as well:
• Onions and garlic are not recommended, as they can give your eggs an off-flavor
• Avocado pits and skins contain a potential toxin called persin
• White potato peels that have green areas contain a toxin known as solanine, which can be fatal
• Undercooked or dried beans contain a toxin known as hemagglutinin
• Rhubarb contains anthraquinones, which can have a laxative effect. Rhubarb damaged by severe cold can be poisonous to chickens, due to the high concentration of oxalic acid
• Never feed moldy or rotten foods to your birds
• Very salty foods will result in excessively wet feces and may be toxic if enough is eaten
And remember to follow the 90/10 rule: 90% of the diet should be a complete feed and 10% can be treats and snacks.
Thanks. We have an open feeder full of layer mash, but also mixing it with the feed that helps feather growth.

We throw whole corn + oats out daily.

Then treats.

We used to let them free-range every day, until a hawk killed one of our girls, so now we let them free-range under our supervision.
hi I had my hens under yew hedge for a good while as was the only safe place at that time. Yew is toxic to animals so they never plant it in farm fields but none of my girls ever ate the hedge of the berries and so I think usually they just don't eat what isn't good. However you could also try putting some things on strings Amd hanging the, like green that they could eat to give them some to else to peck

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