Adding to our flock of 14


7 Years
Jun 30, 2015
East TN
We tried to add to our flock of 14 last year but ended up with all roosters from a private seller so this year we went with the local CoOp and got pullets (at least they say there are) They where hatched out around March 5th or 6th We got 5 Black Sex Links, 4 Araucana's & 4 White Leghorns. They are of course super cute especially the Araucana's they look like little chipmunks. Gonna be so fun to watch them grow and see what they look like. We will be adding about 15 more chicks of different breeds in the coming weeks as they get them in.

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your araucana chicks look like EE but we'll have to see when they are full grown, they are cute chicks anyway, I just got a silver laced wyandott and a leghorn and a mystery bantam and tomorrow I am getting a silver laced polish. Those will be added in a couple months to my existing flock of 3 RIR hens an ameraucana hen and an ameraucana roo, she is a blue wheaten and he is as well, he has some red bleed through on his should so he isn't high quality but is just a hatchery ameraucana..
Your flock sure is growing! Cute chicks, thanks for sharing the photos!
Such a cute flock of baby chicks! I agree with chicklover 1998, your araucanas look like easter eggers, I got 8 chicks from my co-op the day before yesterday- 2 ameraucanas, ( they too look like EE's) 2 red sex links, 1 black sex link, 1 australorp, & 2 white leghorns. Yesterday i added 6 white leghorn pullets from tractor supply. They are all soo cute and growing super fast!
I too am going to add these chicks to my own flock of 14.

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