pullets or cockerels?

#4 currently
Jill S-- you have a BEAUTIFUL flock!
Are you keeping all 4 of your roos?
I got one surprise roo with my spring batch of 30 chicks.
He's an 8 week old White Leghorn and I've named him Rocky.
Every day I tell him to be a good boy so he can stay on our homestead.
Oh, and I handle him daily as well. Kisses cuddles and gentle conversation.
Say a prayer that Rocky stays sweet!
Thank you!
I sold two of the boys about a month ago. I have someone coming to get the black one in the morning. I am only keeping the one. (#4). I'm guessing a hawk got one of the black EE hens. So of the 9 Easter Eggers that I bought this year, I will have 1 roo, and 4 hens (after tomorrow).But I also have 11 older hens (1 year olds) In total, 15 hens, and 1 rooster.
Good luck with Rocky!
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