5 chicks wondering gender :)


Free Ranging
5 Years
Jan 30, 2016
I have 2 barred rocks 2 silver grey dorkings and 1 SG dorking ISA red mix

they are all just under 3 weeks old

BR 1 aka MIDNIGHT which had the darkest markings at first black legs, black tipped beak, very little yellow on top of head:

BR 2 aka STAR had the lightest coloration black legs with yellow patches, large yellow spot on head, yellow beak:


D1 aka TWILIGHT had a continuous brown stripe from head to tail when hatched with very definite point at the top of head markings usually has tail held down

d2: aka MOON had a broken up splotch on head and a strip down back. down was much more grey than the other chick.

And the mix: aka SUNNY 100% yellow chick now has some grey specked feathers coming in on the back of neck. feathers are coming in light yellow and white comb is larger than it was 2 days ago.

As of now,
1. Pullet (dark speckled wings)
2. Rooster (bar on wing, stance, bigger comb)
3. Pullet? Not sure yet
4. Pullet? Not sure yet
5. Rooster (no tail, larger comb, stance)

Around 4-5 weeks roosters combs will turn pink. This is one of the best indicators.
Thanks for your response :) the yellow guy already has pink wattles now lol and the markings on the barred rocks is really noticable :)

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