baby chicks died after 1 day


Feb 21, 2016
Maui, Hawaii
Our hen appeared in our yard with 4 seemingly healthy chicks yesterday, one chick was left behind in the nest area with 5 other unhatched eggs. I tried to catch the 5th chick to get her with the group but it kept hiding behind our tool shed. The other 4 appeared fine and were walking around. learning to scratch, and eating in our yard all day. This morning when I checked the nest one chick was dead so I removed it. The others weren't looking too good.They were peeping but laying kinda on their side. I found one of the chicks dead in a clutch of eggs on the other side of our property. Sadly, none of the chicks survived. Does anyone know what could have caused their sudden death? They seemed so healthy yesterday. They were covered with tiny tiny mites when we removed them today. Also, all the unhatched eggs are now completely covered with leaves and dirt. Should we get rid of the eggs? Is there any chance of them hatching?
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I'd say get rid of the eggs. The mites could have been a contributory factors to your loss but it could be many other factors including access to water, appropriate food etc - its difficult to know.


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