Light Brahma sick. weak, not eating


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I have a Light Brahma named Leia and she has recently been losing weight, Does not want to eat and her comb and wattles have been a corral colour or her wattles have been almost white. We just let her outside cause she seems to have more energy when she his outside. If you could give me some food tips that would be great. I can get a picture soon.

How old is she? Has she been wormed? What does her poop look like?
She is a little over a year. I don't think she has been wormed. I haven't been studying her poop but I will when I go and check on her. She does a a lot of poop on her butt though and she smells
Any time a chicken is losing weight, doesn't want to eat and probably is not drinking, the situation is definitely serious.

The Corid will be found in the cattle medicine section of the store.

The Safeguard will be in the sheep/goat section of the store.

Ask the employees to help you find them. DO NOT let them tell you that you can't give these medicines to chickens.

Can you get your hands on this stuff tonight? I hope so.....

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