How do I train my finches to be let out of the cage and come back?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I know this ain't a finch forum but I thought close enough to it.

I just really want my finches to enjoy some free flight outside of the aviary I really don't like keeping them in a 60 square feet aviary even know that's giant I just want to let them enjoy and see the big world! Help is really needed.
I know this ain't a finch forum but I thought close enough to it.

I just really want my finches to enjoy some free flight outside of the aviary I really don't like keeping them in a 60 square feet aviary even know that's giant I just want to let them enjoy and see the big world! Help is really needed.

For the finches safety and protection I hope you rethink this. If they have the opportunity the finches will flee and be gone, ending as some predator's meal. Sixty square feet is more than sufficient for your finches to be healthy and happy.
Thanks I just saw some people on YouTube doing so thanks for the advice even know I knew there was a risk thanks for reassuring it's not the best thing to do thanks Bye!:D:p

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