Chicken has white on comb


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2015
A while ago I noticed that my silkie had some white on her comb that she didn't have before, but I didn't really worry since she seemed fine and had just stopped being broody so her comb wasn't the same colour as before anyways. Now she's back to laying and her comb is it's normal colour except for the white. I think it's more than it was, but I'm not sure if it's just because she's wet and I can see her whole comb. Does anyone know what this is? It's dry when I touch it. She currently has diahrea, but I don't know if it's related since that is recent and she's had the white for maybe 2 months.


I would think that it is either dry skin, or possibly favus, a fungal infection. Favus is treated with clotrimazole (Lotrimin) and miconazole (Monistat 7.) For dry skin I would use some coconut oil or similar. Here are some pictures of probable favus:

Thank you for the replies. I put some lotion on her with a tiny bit of antibacterial essential oil, but couldn't really rub it in since she kept moving. I will check again tomorrow and see how it goes.

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