
5 Years
Mar 17, 2016
The Coal State
can anyone tell me what breeds i have? i can guess some but not all :)

this is rudolph

these are Mary, Edith, Cora, Isobel,and Rose

these are Izze, Alex, Baily, Maxine and Kylie

this is Hans and Edelweiss, my lavender orpingtons :)

these are Pumpkin, Spice, Coconut Cream or C.C, Sugar and Cinnamon

these are White and black, and Black and white :)

this is Feeder, Oakley or Stripey, it depends who you ask :)

this is Camilla

this is Easter

and this is Skitter, i have absolutely no idea what she is :) do you?

hope y'all have some answers!
I'm not great out breeds but:

Rudolph looks like a RIR

M, E, C, I and R look like leghorns

I'm not sure about I, A, B, M, and K

I'm not sure about P, S, CC, S or C either

black and white and white and black are cuckoo or copper black maran chicks.

I'm not sure about the others.

Sorry I'm not much of a help :/

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