Help, I'm a first time chicken momma


Mar 28, 2016
I have 3 orpingtons and 3 golden laced wyandottes. I think they are almost 2 weeks old and have a few symptoms that i need help with. One of the orps was having a hard time pooping and made a strange chirp. Her vent looked plugged so i prepared to try and clean her out, but by time i got back to her it was clear. Her and a second orp looked a little pastey so i cleaned them up. All the orps have been sneezing since late yesterday. They sound kind of rattley or stuff. No running noses or eyes and seem fine otherwise. They're still drinking and eating. I put a splash of apple cider vinegar in their water and fed them some boiled egg yolk.

I'm worried I'm not doing something that i should be. Any suggestions are appreciated!
It's not humid at all. They're inside my house and i clean their bedding every couple days. Just last night i cleaned out the brooder and gave them new water with some acv. I used a different kind of bedding last night that has bigger chips. The previous bedding was very thin shavings and by time i changed it, it would be broken down into a powder almost. I wonder if that was irritating their noses.

My orp still seems constipated. I heard that strange chirp again so i rushed to the brooder to see what she was doing. She was laying down and there was fresh poop behind her that was chunky and dry. What is causing her to have trouble pooping?

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