Suddenly have a wheezing Chicken


Mar 29, 2016
No problems with this chicken at all until 3:30 when she all a sudden started wheezing. She seems better now I have probiotics in her water and gave some VetRx. Her wheezing has let up a lot and her clucking doesn't sound as raspy. I didn't want to just throw antibiotics at her if she didn't really need them. I wasn't sure if maybe she had a sour crop or some crumble that got stuck. I was told its respiratory disease. I can't say it's not but I find it hard to believe. They did eat a head of cabbage today which was the first time they have had it that way. Last time it was cooked leftovers.She is still active as well as eating and drinking. None of my other birds have any problems. What should I do?!
It may have been stridor that she was having, which can be a high pitched sound that comes from something partially blocking the airway, such as a piece of food, mucus, or a foreign object. It can clear up within a few hours. If it has gone away, I would just keep an eye on her.
I appreciate the response. Thats what I was thinking because it happened so suddenly. She was perfectly fine til late this afternoon. I go out a few times a day and visit with them and check for eggs and just check on them here and there.She hasnt been wheezing for a while now just still sounds a lil raspy when she is clucking.

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