Ameraucana Chick Question about bald patch on chick


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2016
Hi Guys,

I'm miffed I have one Ameraucana chick that has a naked tooshie at first I thought it was a really bad case of pasty butt but every time I check the chick the vent is clean and clear. The butt feathers appear to be stringy and dirty, I was cleaning the butt with warm water just in case maybe Im making it bald! I'm also guessing this chick is a roo, its grown literally two tail feathers but the rest of its body has feathered out the same as the other chicks I have. Here is a photo of the chicks bum, it doesn't appear to be unhealthily but its bizzar to me!

Meet Dixie or Dixon (not for sure)

Checked the chick but didnt see any mites, Ill keep checking though and Im wondering though if the fluff is just matted because of the way he poops, it looks dirty...I dont know!! Its crazy to me.
Chicks do molt and loose their fluff before the feathers grow in this looks more then I have ever seen and usually molting happens along their neck and wings.
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Well her behavior hasnt changed and neither as her eating habits but I while I dont see any mites, I might go ahead and treat the brooder for them. I keep it pretty clean so hopefully I can figure this out, any other suggestions besdies mites? Food allergy? I ferment the food and I add 1tbs of organic apple cider vinegar to a gallon of water for them.
So...I did some checking on every chick and no signs of mites, but we did notice that Dixie has matted poop covered fuzz again so I did some research on this again and it turns out that this is a common problem in chickens, sometimes they dont squat enough to poop ? Most suggestions were to cut back the feathers and fuzz that tend to get poop stuck to them and give them a warm bath and a blow dry. Sometimes it has to be done multiple times to fix the problem but usually the chick will grow feathers back. Also you can apply vaseline to their bums to prevent sticking poop. Im also going to clean the brooder and then provide them with wood ash to bathe in and just in case give them all a quick wood ash bath...hopefully Dixie will be bald patch free soon!

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