Help! My RIR pullet is drawing blood!


6 Years
Apr 3, 2016
I bought 6 2-3 week old chicks 6 weeks ago. Been together and adorable until 10 days ago. My RIR has take to pulling the top of the tail feathers out of my easter egger until it bleeds. She also randomly walks up to others and yanks a feather out of them causing a loud squawk! I seperated the RIR, blucoated my EE. After 5 days in jail but able to see each other I reunited them. EE and RIR bumped chests and EE actually looked like the new boss. Later that afternoon EE was missing her feathers on back at base of tail. Blood again : (.
Same routine. EE is healed. RIR has been in jail for the last couple of days. Question is, if they were raised together , why the fighting at this age? Do they both want top boss? Neither seems to give up.Or is she just a bully? Everything says let them work it out unless there is blood. Well there has been blood twice. What do I do? I love them all. rir cries without them : (
thank you so much!
I think they are. Supposed to be and as of yet zero wattles, very small yellow combs. I have had the bully in the garage separate from the coop outdoors. The bully is so sweet when away from the flock. Any other way tp tell if they are emerging cockrels? Thanks!
She is in the garage,serarate from the flock who is out in their run. How long shall I keep her there?
How much space do they have(feet by feet)?
Do they have places to hide out of line of sight or up and away from aggressors?
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I think they are. Supposed to be and as of yet zero wattles, very small yellow combs. I have had the bully in the garage separate from the coop outdoors. The bully is so sweet when away from the flock. Any other way tp tell if they are emerging cockrels? Thanks!
Tail feathers...girls have straight feathers with blunt, rounded, almost square ends to their tail feathers. Shape is like the end of baseball bat. Boys have tail feathers with pointed ends that curve like a sickle moon. Good luck.
coop is 4x5, run is 5x12. They just moved in from the brooder which was small and no issues in there.

so today my other pullet EE is bloody at base of tail. Now it is my little leghorn I think, that pecked her up. Ugh! So discouraging ; (
Here are pics. Perhaps You can help me identify if these are roosters. New to this chicken thing. The first month was work but not bad. This is a daily nightmare : ( Without RIR I think the pecking order is messed up again. Should I put her back in?

Pics following soon. Icloud not cooperating Grrrr
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photos finally! Thank you all for your patience and advice!!!

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