3yr old rooster sneezing/spitting other wise seems very healthy...?

unfortunately this case is closed... yesterday after work i came home and he was sneezing and very raspy again as bad as he was before i started the tylon. had received his last injection 6 days before yesterday. but still no other signs. but i checked for mites/lice (sure it wasnt seeing how its the one thing i treat for annually every 30 days with frontline puppy/kitten spray, double checked nose and troat (what i could see) in everyway seemed fine, but honestly was a little scared of losing all my flock so he and his Phoenix roommate have been culled due to lack of improvement and he was getting worse. although she never showed any signs of illness but like i said not looking to take chances... that and she was unfriendly and stopef laying due to age so no lose there... but i do feel bad for my roo... "mr fog horn leg horn" ... as far as i can tell he may have had one of these issues, non-contagious bacterial infection in his air sacks or throat, possibly had something lodged deep down in his throat causing his sneezing and possibly also causing infection and or liquid forming and his air sacks. either way seems the rest of my flock will be ok... bodys where incinerated for safty... RIP Fog horn :(
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never had to put down one of my birds before isnt something im looking forward too again, thank you for the condolences, and on the bright side i have two of his daughters and a friend of mine i sold to has 3 of his daughters and one of his sons which is actually ine of the best looking cockerels ive seen. probably going to get some hatching eggs from those to continue his blood line. plus still got little jerry seinfeld (barred rock roo) dont mind me just got off work in this pic im a little dirty lol thanks again :)
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