Hello from Philadelphia


6 Years
Apr 5, 2016
Philadelphia, PA
For those that know the Philly area we're actually in Central Bucks County...we moved out of the city last September.

My wife and I just picked up our baby chicks last Wednesday. We have one of each of the following: Buff Orpington, Dark Brahma, New Hampshire and what is becoming our favorite...a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

This is our first time raising chickens so we are learning as much as we possibly can. Even after talking to friends with chickens, going to a class at the local feed store, reading everything we can find, etc. We were not prepared for just how intriguing they really are!

We both look forward to learning as much as we can from BYC; I'm sure we'll have plenty of questions!

Welcome to the Backyard chickens flock. I love your Lab. There are also dog threads you can join. The Learning Center is the best place to start a poultry education or re-fresher course. You can put your state name in the search box and it will come up. Great way to see if any members live near you- and what is going on around you.

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