What Have I Created??


Apr 5, 2016
First time chick mom here. I crossed the rooster pictured below with a barred rock hen, expecting to get black sexlinks. The chics turned out blue/gray and black with some yellow down in areas. None have the distinctive white spot of a sexlink roo. What have I created?

The Rooster

The Hen

The Chicks

It looks like that rooster is a splash. Splash X black = 100% blue chicks! See more on that here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/basic-chicken-color-genetics

So it looks like you have some adorable little blues running around.

do you know the genetics behind that rooster? I'm not sure if he's splash or not, he doesn't look quite right for splash. But I'll go on the assumption he is....

above is correct, all your chicks will be blue. I've worked on blue sex link projects and they're unreliable. The head spot is technically there, but it's diluted by the blue down and difficult to see. I'd say that perhaps that last bird is male, see that lighter yellow spot on the head? It's very frustrating as blue sex links would be an amazing project.
Unfortunately, I don't know the genetics behind the rooster. My starter flock was a gift from a student's family who was wanting to reduce the number of birds they had. It included the rooster, 2 barred rocks, an easter egger, and a white leghorn hen. Coolest gift I ever got from a student! I now have Brahmas and Barbezieux birds as well that are kept in separate area.

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