What breed are these girls?


Apr 12, 2016
We bought chicks for the 1st time and asked for 1 white brahma, 2 easter eggers and 2 rhode island reds. I don't think I got the right kind. I will love them anyway but just wondering if anyone knows what kind of babies these girls are.
hoping these are better pics but none of them have fuzzy feet. They said the striped one is a brahma but I told my hubby I swear it is an Easter egger and we don't have a brahma. (Brahma is what my daughter chose)
I was thinking of still trying to get my daughter a brahma but I don't think their home is big enough. It is 4 ft by 4 ft for the coop...additional space for the nesting boxes and the run is 4 ft by13 ft. Do u think that is to small to add 1 more girl? 1 more would make 6 total. We have pretty cold winters (nights down to 15 below) and hot summers up to 110 so I want them to be comfortable.
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The black and white ones maybe Anconas. The dark brown one and the one with the stripe look like Easter Eggers. Brahmas have feathered legs so if none of feathers on their legs then you can scratch the breed of your list. I'm not good with the run area business (that's why I had my sister build my coop
) but I would ask in either the:Managing Your Flock forum or the Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance forum.

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