8 weeks old no idea breed or sex.

There is no chance that the solid red birds are Red Stars. Red Stars are a type of red sexlink. Males and females are two different colorations. Females are mostly red with some white, like your only pullet. Males are white with some red leakage as they mature.
Production Reds are a generic red layer. There is little difference between hatchery Rhode Island Reds, Production Reds, and New Hampshires other than the shade of red.
Cockerels start behaving like males after about 14 to 16 weeks old, so you have some time before they start acting up. You will need to get that pullet some new friends ASAP, though. Just don't purchase chicks from Tractor Supply again without knowing exactly what you want, and what they should look like as chicks. They frequently sell straight run (unsexed) chicks, and chicks are rarely correctly labeled.

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